اللهم صلي على محمد

اللهم صلي على محمد

الاثنين، 14 يوليو 2008

كتب التوليد والنسائية Obstetrics & Gynecology

Heart Disease in Pregnancy

وصف الكتاب: الطبعة الجديدة من الدليل العلمي للمهارات السريرية لمجموعة واسعة من الأختصاصيين في أمراض القلب أثناء الحمل

Publisher: BMJ Books

Number Of Pages: 368

Publication Date: 2007-06-15
Product Description:The new edition of this practical guide draws on the clinical skills of a wide range of international experts to help you recognize and manage heart disease in pregnancy. Designed for on-the-spot use, this convenient and concise text helps you identify a cardiac problem, understand its pathophysiology, and respond appropriately.

Tags: Cardiology, Obstetrics, Gynecology:

size: 4 m.b

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Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy (Nutrition and Health)

وصف الكتاب: كتب من قبل مجموعة من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية والمستشارين في امراض الحمل والولادة في سن الانجاب، دليل الحامل والتغذية
Publisher: Humana Press

Number Of Pages: 368

Publication Date: 2008-06
Product Description:Written for the clinician and other healthcare professionals who treat and counsel pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy is an excellent and easy-to-use resource in the practical form of a handbook. In Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, the authors provide historical perspective and background to support recommendations which are provided in each chapter, importantly for the practitioners.
Tags: Nutrition, Gynecology, Obstetrics
size: 2 m.b
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Obstetrics & Gynecology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review (Pretest Series

وصف الكتاب: يمكن للطالب التقدم للامتحان دون أخذه ، 500 سؤال بنماذج للأسئلة وأجوبة الاختبار الأمريكي مع الرجوع الى المراجع والمجلات الطبية لمناقشة الحلول كذلك يحوي على مناقشة الاجابات الصحيحة والخاطئة
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical

Number Of Pages: 368

Publication Date: 2006-03-17

Product Description:The closest students can get to the exam without actually taking it!* 500 USMLE-style questions and answers referenced to core textbooks and journal articles* Complete explanations discuss right and wrong answer options* All questions are reviewed by students who have recently passed the exams Tags: Obstetrics, Gynecology, USMLE Step 3
size: 4 m.b
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