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الثلاثاء، 23 سبتمبر 2008

أمراض ورسوم توضيحية ANIMATION & DISEASES

هذه مجموعة من الفلاشات التي تشرح بعض الأمراض أو العلاجات
This is a group of Animation explaining certain diseases or treatments
معلومات عن التهاب الكبد الفيروسي C
الحجم: 4.8 M.B
التحميل: 4SHARED

معلومات عن الداء السكري نمط 2

الحجم: 5.2 M.B

التحميل: 4SHARED

معلومات عن عمل القسطرة


الحجم: 5.3 M.B

التحميل: 4SHARED

معلومات عن داء كرون


الحجم: 5 M.B
التحميل: 4SHARED

الأحد، 14 سبتمبر 2008

كتب وبرامج Books & programs

The Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 720
Publication Date: 2008-11-17
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0470017279
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780470017272
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
For the Second Edition of The Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus: An international perspective, all chapters have been completely revised and updated, plus there are some important additions reflecting recent developments. In detail, this volume:
* Features a new section on prevention and screening – both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
* Features a new section on future challenges, addressing the effects of antipsychotic treatment and HIV infection on diabetes
* Includes new chapters on prevention, screening, the epidemiology of obesity and the impact of nutrition

Tags: Endocrinology, Medical Statistics


Parasites and Infectious Disease: Discovery by Serendipity and Otherwise
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Number Of Pages: 366
Publication Date: 2007-06-18
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0521858828
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780521858823
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
This series of entertaining essays provides a unique insight into some of the key discoveries that have shaped the field of parasitology. Based on interviews with 18 of the world's leading parasitologists and epidemiologists, the stories of their contributions to discovery in contemporary parasitology and infectious disease biology are told. Taken together, the essays provide a historical account of the development of the field, serving as a bridge between these discoveries and current research.
Tags: Infectious Disease
SIZE: 3.4 M.B

Companion to Clinical Neurology

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 1128
Publication Date: 2003-03-13
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0195159381
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780195159387
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
This book is designed for the neurologist who (in this day of unusually strict accountability) needs to have at hand an authoritative guide to the diagnostic criteria for all the conditions he or she may meet within clinical practice. While originally conceived as a compendium of diagnostic criteria, the author felt the need to expand the work to include definitions of practically all the terms that are used in neurology today. Some elements of history are also provided.
Tags: Neurology

Pancreas and Islet Transplantation

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 384
Publication Date: 2002-06-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0192632558
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780192632555
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
Diabetes Mellitus is the principle cause of kidney failure and blindness in adults and leads to more cases of amputation and impotence than any other disease. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood. The aims of pancreas or islet transplantation are to improve the quality of life of patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and to ameliorate secondary complications.
This book provides a comprehensive and international review of the recent advances in pancreas and islet transplantation. It covers surgical techniques, issues surrounding organ preservation, immunosuppression and the control of other complications, all of which contribute to the potential for such transplantations to evolve as the treatment of choice for insulin dependent diabetes.
Tags: Gastroenterology
SIZE: 3.3 M.B

A Clinician's Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis, Volume 1: The Text

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Number Of Pages: 736
Publication Date: 2006-08-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415390524
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415390521
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
One of the most ambitious texts to be published in dermatology for some years, this is a comprehensive guide to dermatologic conditions, classified by physical findings, and referenced to current literature. There are 284 entries, arranged alphabetically. The art and science of clinical dermatology rest with the ability of the clinician to formulate an appropriate differential diagnosis by defining and synthesizing the physical findings; this book serves as a guide in that quest, and will be both educational and stimulating to dermatologists at all levels of training and practice.
Tags: Dermatology




SIZE: 1.2 M.B


Adobe Reader 8

SIZE: 21 M.B





الثلاثاء، 9 سبتمبر 2008

كتب باطنة هضمية Gastronterology books

Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages: 728
Publication Date: 2002-01-15
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0632055820
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780632055821
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System continues to be the pre-eminent textbook of choice for trainee as well as practising gastroenterologists who want a clear and lucid description of the very latest issues in this growing discipline. Every chapter has been updated with the most recent advances in the study and control of hepatitis, in its various forms. Technical and therapeutic advances have appeared in all areas of hepatology, in particular portal hypertension, liver tumours, genetic diseases and imaging, both diagnostic and therapeutic. All are brought up-to-date in the very readable style characteristic of this standard text.
Tags: Gastroenterology
SIZE: 14 M.B

Dysphagia: Foundation, Theory and Practice

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 580
Publication Date: 2006-09-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1861565054
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781861565051
Binding: Paperback

Product Description:
This book offers a concise, readable explanation of the theory of dysphagia and bridges that with material on clinical application. Covering both adult and paediatric swallowing assessment, treatment and management, the book will provide clinicians with common clinical presentations of dysphagia and a framework for a problem based learning approach.
Tags: Gastroenterology



Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages: 216
Publication Date: 2007-01-09
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1405131934
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781405131933
Binding: Hardcover

Book Description:
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is the only text available that provides detailed instructions of all practical aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures in children.
It gives detailed descriptions of the investigation, diagnosis and therapeutic pediatric GI endoscopy treatments with special attention to the differences between instruments used for adults and for pediatric patients.
The advice is based on unique personal experience of thousands of endoscopic or colonoscopic procedures, written by a team of authors with experience in performing the diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures in children and infants of all ages.
The key points of each step are accompanied by easy-to-follow color diagrams and a comprehensive atlas of endoscopic images, illustrating both normal and abnormal pathology, aiding and perfecting diagnosis and treatment.
Tags: Gastroenterology, Pediatric



Anal and Rectal Diseases Explained

Publisher: Remedica Publishing
Number Of Pages: 215
Publication Date: 2003-10
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1901346676
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781901346671
Binding: Paperback

Product Description:
Although rectal and perianal complaints are among the most common seen by primary care physicians, surgeons, and gastroenterologists, the wide variety of disorders associated with these complaints are, in general, poorly understood. Additionally, a variety of newer diagnostic techniques, such as endoscopic ultrasound, mannometry, and magnetic resonance imaging, are now being employed for the evaluation of these disorders. Finally, new pharmacotherapies, including immunosuppressants and topical therapies as well as new surgical treatments, have emerged. These are described in a clear, user-friendly manner.
Tags: Surgery, Gastroenterology

الاثنين، 1 سبتمبر 2008

أطالس Atlases

كل عام وانتم بخير
ومبارك عليكم الشهر

أدعوكم لزيارة مدونتي الجديدة صحتك في رمضان وهي تهتم بشؤن هذا الشهر الفضيل

Grant's Dissector 14th Edition

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Number Of Pages: 288

Publication Date: 2008-03-01

Product Description:Since 1940, when Dr. J.C. Boileau Grant created the first lab manual based on Grant's method of dissection, Grant's Dissector has clearly established its authority and preeminence as the "gold standard" of gross anatomy dissection manuals. In the last edition, the material was streamlined to focus on more accurate, specific and clear steps, based on market conditions and feedback. This edition continues to focus on the trend of reduced lab hours yet maintains the quality and reliability of Grant's original manual. Grant's Dissector, Fourteenth Edition features over 40 new figures to provide consistent appearance and include additional details, and is cross-referenced to the leading anatomy atlases, including Grant's, Netter's, Rohen, and Clemente.

Tags: Atlas, Anatomy

SIZE: 10 M.B


Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text

Publisher: CRC

Number Of Pages: 736

Publication Date: 2007-04-11

Product Description:Far from the line drawings and black-and-white photos of the past, Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles features high-quality, color photos of normal anatomy and histology, as well as gross, light, and electron microscopic images of pathogens and diseases. Many of these images have never before been published, and come directly from the esteemed editor’s collection documenting more than 30 years in the research of infectious diseases and veterinary care of reptiles.

Tags: Infectious Diseases

SIZE: 82 M.B


Fifty Dermatological Cases

Publisher: Informa HealthCare

Number Of Pages: 200

Publication Date: 2004-12-22

Product Description:The skin is often the first organ to show that a serious disease exists in the body. Too often, clues from the skin are missed or neglected when diagnosing patients. In this fascinating treatise, fifty cases show such missed opportunities as well as extraordinary examples of how the skin can react to disease and stimuli. From dog bites that would not heal to the fingernails' reaction to lethargy and the effect of a vegan diet, 50 Cases in Dermatological Medicine reminds the reader of the astonishing signals the human body sends when health is threatened. This book is key for students, residents, and professionals in dermatology, and for any health care practitioner who wants to apply the lessons learned.

SIZE: 12 M.B


Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine 2nd Edition

Publisher: Mosby

Number Of Pages: 536

Publication Date: 1997-02-15

Product Description:A concise, colorful alternative to more detailed textbooks of medicine, this latest edition incorporates a large number of color photographs to show key presenting signs and symptoms as they are seen in practice. Offering a remarkable value, it features over 1,500 illustrations including clinical photographs, endoscopic images, ultrasound scans, ECG's, and summary tables. In addition to the illustrations, the book provides concise accompanying text, detailed legends, and Key Facts boxes to make exam revision easier.

Tags: Atlas

SIZE: 101 M.B


The Atlas of Pelvic Surgery

The Atlas of Pelvic Surgery was originally developed as a practical guide to gynecologic procedures which reflected Dr. Wheeless' broad experience in surgery and his skill as a teacher. It is a well-respected and oft used text for those in training as well as doctors in practice across the globe which was last published in 1997.The 4th edition of the Atlas of Pelvic Surgery as an internet atlas is a living document where one can find detailed information about an ever increasing variety of gynecologic surgical techniques.
Tags: Obstetrics, Gynecology
SIZE: 78 M.B

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