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اللهم صلي على محمد

السبت، 28 يونيو 2008

كتب جلدية dermatology

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه مجموعة من كتب الجلدية dermatology

Concise Manual of Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

Number Of Pages: 330

Book Description:

All the cosmetic dermatologic surgery techniques you need! Successfully performing cosmetic dermatologic surgery starts with mastering techniques… and that's the focus-the only focus- of this learn-as-you-go guide. Concise Manual of Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery is written by four of the field's preeminent experts who deliver clear, authoritative guidance on the most essential cosmetic dermatology surgical techniques. Logically organized by techniques instead of problems, the book first reviews the general approach to the dermasurgery patient, providing useful background information before systematically addressing specific surgical procedures. Each templated chapter begins with key points and includes a range of clinically relevant considerations-from set up to common pitfalls-that represent a practitioner's ideal checklist.FeaturesSystematic approach to coverage of all surgical techniques: flaps and grafts, chemical peels, fat transfer, liposuction, hair transplantation, treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins, blepharoplasty, forehead and face lift, and more Streamlined, focused content Consistent chapter format that includes key points, indications and contraindications, set up, choice of agents/techniques, a step-by-step description of the technique, and how to avoid potential pitfalls Excellent full-color illustrations, including diagrams and clinical photographs Chapter on the use of lasers in cosmetic dermatologic surgery

Tags: Dermatology, Surgery, Plastic Surgery

الحجم : 9 م.ب



Handbook of Psoriasis

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Number Of Pages: 384
Publication Date: 2005-05-20

Product Description:

The new second edition of the Handbook of Psoriasis remains an easy-to-read but detailed text on a common skin disease which affects 20f the world's population. The text is designed as a reference for both the specialist and the primary care physician and can be read cover-to-cover in a week. Each chapter stands alone as a reference to a specific topic but is clearly cross-referenced to offer a more detailed perspective.

Tags: Dermatology
الحجم: 2.7 م.ب

Dermatologic, Cosmeceutic, and Cosmetic Development: Therapeutic and Novel Approaches

Publisher: Informa Healthcare

Number Of Pages: 648

Publication Date: 2007-12-13

Product Description:

Recent advances in our understanding of the development and morphology of normal skin has led to improved methods to deliver therapeutic compounds to selected targeted areas both within the skin and systemically. This reference provides a clear overview of current pharmaceutical and cosmetic practices in the management of both major and minor skin disorders, and provides an expansive overview of novel drugs and therapies used to treat these conditions. Written for scientists interested in dermatological therapy and those concerned with the marketing for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, this text will also prove useful for students developing strong research methods.

Tags: Dermatology

الحجم: 9.4 م.ب

Dermatology Skills For Primary Care: An Illustrated Guide

Publisher: Humana Press

Number Of Pages: 457

Publication Date: 2005-10-01

Book Description:

This illuminating review of the basic diagnostic and therapeutic skills used by dermatologists comprehensively demonstrates for primary care clinicians their application in daily practice. Using extensive illustrations and an excellent library of color photographs, the authors provide an overview of basic skills and cover 33 common dermatological conditions encountered every day. Dermatology Skills for Primary Care offers clinicians an authoritative and easy to use resource that will not only improve basic dermatological skills, but also provide the broader foundation clinicians need when managing troubling skin disorders.

Tags: Dermatology, Family Medicine

الحجم: 35.5 م.ب



الخميس، 26 يونيو 2008

كتب قلبية

Heart Failure

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

Number Of Pages: 400

Publication Date: 2007-07-11

Binding: Paperback
Book Description: The definitive one-stop guide to treating-and preventing-heart failureThis ractical reference provides all the expert guidance and up-to-the-minute clinical perspectives you need to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with heart failure. A major focus of the book is integration of various management approaches to maximize patient benefit. Coverage begins with a brief introduction on the incidence and causes of heart failure, then quickly moves into a more thorough clinical overview of symptom evaluation; pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment methods; hospitalization; surgical treatments; and more.Features:Clear, step-by-step coverage of prevention and all treatment modalities with evidence-based recommendations Full examination of the types of heart failure, prevalence, morbidity and associated co-morbidities, mortality, risk factors, etiologies, cardiomyopathies, and pathophysiology Key perspectives on the use of ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, aldosterone antagonists, IV vasoactive medications, diuretics, digitalis, surgical procedures and devices, and more Need-to-know procedures for patient evaluation Heart failure disease management programs and pathways of care that can be applied in any practice setting Clinically relevant diagrams, figures, and algorithms

Tags: Cardiology

الحجم: 2 م.ب



Cardiac Surgery in the Adult

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

Number Of Pages: 1704

Publication Date: 2007-08-07

Binding: Hardcover
Book Description: Meet the next classic reference in cardiac surgery. This readable, scholarly, mprehensive book focuses on the practice of cardiac surgery in the adult patient featuring over 1000 superb illustration depicting winning surgical technique. In addition, indications, pathophysiology, surgical decision making, complications, and results of surgical treatment are examined in depth. Master surgeon, L. Henry Edmunds, Jr. leads an all-star cast of contributors in this treatise that forms the perfect surgical complement to a textbook of cardiology.

Tags: Cardiology, Thoracic Surgery, CDs & Softwares

الحجم: 60 م.ب


Heart Failure - A Clinical Nursing Handbook

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience

Number Of Pages: 270

Publication Date: 2008-01-09

Binding: Paperback
Product Description:This book provides a complete, easy-to-use handbook for nurses who see patients with heart failure. In recent years heart failure has become a high priority in health care. With more nurses caring for patients with heart failure and making decisions that are often complex, there is a clear need for those nurses to have access to good quality clinical information and guidance. This book is designed to be a practical, ‘one-stop’, handbook for the practitioner, supported by case studies and up-todate references throughout, providing all the topics the Practitioner or student may need in their work with patients with heart failure. Tags: Cardiology, Nursing

الحجم: 805 ك.ب



الجمعة، 20 يونيو 2008


Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death: A Practitioner's Guide

Publisher: SpringerNumber Of Pages: 272Publication Date: 2006-11-02ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387351442ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387351445Binding: HardcoverProduct Description:Never has our culture been more aware of personal and global health hazards, from both within and without. While most people may feel some anxiety in this regard, some have an unbearable sense of dread that prevents them from functioning.Chronic health anxiety—heightened fears of illness, disease, and death—is a central feature of hypochondriasis, of course, but can also present as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and other diagnoses. Tags: Psychiatry

الحجم: 1 م.ب

cecil medicen

كتاب غني عن التعريف ويعد من أهم مراجع الباطنة
الحجم 45 م.ب

الاثنين، 16 يونيو 2008

مجموعة من الكتب

The Kidney and Hypertension in Diabetes Mellitus, Sixth Edition

عدد الصفحات : 954

تاريخ النشر : 2004-04-20

وصف الكتاب:

هذه الطبعه الجديدة تركز على الضغوط التي يسببها الانحراف والايضيه ذات الصلة ، فيما يتعلق العيوب الوراثيه ، وايضا تغيرات في وضع الجنين في الحياة. فصول جديدة في استكشاف هذه العملية ، lipidemia ، retinopathy في لمرضى السكري ، وأمراض الكلى. وبالاضافة الى ذلك ، تعرض بيانات جديدة بشأن التغييرات الهيكليه في niddm - المرضى واجراء المقارنة بينها لمرضى السكري وغير مرضى السكري ، الامراض الكلويه. الكتاب يغطي مبادئ توجيهية جديدة والتعاريف الواردة في داء السكري من النوع 2 ، ادارة بلغ المرحلة النهائية من الفشل الكلوى ، والاتجاهات الديموغرافيه للسكان في المريض. وتشمل المواضيع الأخرى لمرضى السكري ، nephropathy ، glycemic السيطرة ، والعلاج المبكر في normotensive المرضى المصابين microalbuminuria مع اس - مثبطات.

Publisher: Informa Healthcare

Number Of Pages: 954

Book Description:This new edition focuses on pressure-induced and metabolic related aberration, in relation to genetic abnormalities, and also changes developing in fetal life. New chapters explore exercise, lipidemia, and retinopathy in diabetic renal disease. In addition, new data are presented regarding structural changes in NIDDM-patients and the comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic renal disease. The book covers new guidelines and definitions in type 2 diabetes, management of end-stage renal failure, and demographic trends in the patient population. Other topics include diabetic nephropathy, glycemic control, and early treatment in normotensive patients with microalbuminuria with ACE-inhibitors.

الحجم: 2.6 م.ب


Acute pain management: scientific evidence

وصف الكتاب:

ويوجز هذا الكتاب الادله المتاحة حاليا لمساعدة المهنيين العاملين في مجال الصحة في ادارة الألم الحاد. ميدان الالم الحاد في الدواء سريع التغير واحد. معالجة الآلام الحادة : evidence1 العلميه التى نشرتها لاول مرة الوطني للصحه ومجلس البحوث الطبية (nhmrc) من استراليا فى عام 1999. Editorial2 وهو نفس العام نشرت في المجله البريطانية لتخدير تقييم اهمية هذه الوثيقة جنبا إلى جنب مع المبادئ التوجيهيه بشأن استخدام nsaids في perioperative period.3 ولوحظ ان 'لا تزال هناك حاجة لسيطره سليم تقييم معظم الدراسات السريريه في مجالات العلاج والألم الحاد 'وانه' المبادئ التوجيهيه لا يمكن الا ان تظل سارية المفعول لمدة فترة قصيرة نسبيا 'باعتبار ان هذا المجال من التحكم في الألم هي التي تتطور بسرعة واحدة.

This publication summarises the evidence currently available to assist health professionals in the management of acute pain. The field of acute pain medicine is a rapidly changing one.Acute Pain Management: Scientific Evidence1 was first published by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia in 1999. An editorial2 published the same year in the British Journal of Anaesthesia assessed the importance of this document along with Guidelines on the Use of NSAIDs in the Perioperative Period.3 It was noted that ‘there is still a need for properly conducted controlled clinical studies evaluating most areas of therapy in acute pain’ and that ‘guidelines can only remain valid for a relatively short period’ as the field of pain management is a rapidly evolving one.

الحجم: 3.7 م.ب



كتاب غني عن التعريف

الحجم: 3.2 م.ب



برنامج مهم

السبت، 14 يونيو 2008

كتب طبية

Irritable Bowel Syndrom

الناشر : رابطة علم النفس الامريكية
عدد الصفحات : 373
تاريخ النشر : 2000-12-15
وصف الكتاب :
متلازمه الامعاء سريع الانفعال هو مؤلم والامراض المزمنه التي تؤثر على 8 الى 17 في المئة من الاميركيين البالغين. ومن حسن الحظ أن العلاج النفسي يمكن ايصال الاغاثه الى كبير الماديه والمعاناة النفسية الناجمة عن الرابطه. هذا الكتاب يقدم جميع المعلومات اللازمة لعلاج هذا الخلل. ويستعرض البحث عن فعالية العلاج النفسي للالرابطه ، ويصف اساليب التقييم النفسي ، ثم يسلط الضوء على أساليب معالجة تفصيليه. اساليب معاملة مفصلة قصيرة الأمد وتشمل العلاجات الثلاثة الرئيسية طرائق العلاج وتبين ان الاكثر فعالية لهذه الفئة من السكان : العلاج الادراكي والمعرفي - العلاج السلوكي ، وhypnotherapy.
المجال: معدة والأمعاء
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
Number Of Pages: 373
Publication Date: 2000-12-15
Product Description:
Irritable bowel syndrome is a painful and chronic disease that affects 8 to 17 percent of American adults. Fortunately, psychotherapy can bring relief to the significant physical and psychological distress caused by IBS. This book provides all the information needed to treat this disorder. It reviews research on the effectiveness of psychological treatments for IBS, describes psychological assessment techniques, and then outlines detailed treatment methods. The treatment methods detailed are short-term therapies and include the three major treatment modalities shown to be most effective for this population: cognitive therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and hypnotherapy.
Tags: Gastroenterology
الحجم: 16م.ب
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